The Cuban-born Abdel J. Fernandez is the master blender behind a number of fantastic top-rated cigars. Not just his own A.J Fernandez cigars like Enclave, Last Call, New World, Ramon Allones, and San Lotano, but also cult hits like the fantastically flavorful and potent Man O’ War and Diesel cigars. His smokes have earned a ton of 90+ ratings and Top-25 honors from Cigar Aficionado, and the accolades just keep coming.
His life started in 1979 in San Luis, Cuba – the ideal place for a cigar magnate to begin. Around the age of 13, he would head straight from school to “Finca la China” to work with his father Ismael and uncle in government tobacco cultivation. In fact, his family had worked in cigars for a few generations already. His grandfather created the San Lotano cigars that A.J. would eventually revive as a tribute line in 2010.
In 2003, Fernandez left Cuba and wound up in Esteli, Nicaragua, another prime location for cigar making. With just six rollers, he got to work making smokes for other brands in the beginning, like Rocky Patel (maybe you remember RP Summer Blend 2008? If not, we’ll forgive you. We forgot it, too). As his skill increased and his business grew, he created some of the core blends that would put the A.J. Fernandez brand on the map.
Today, A.J. Fernandez is known for its rich flavors and a commendable focus on quality. We’re proud to offer you a selection of the brand’s finest cigars and eagerly look forward to future blends from a true master.