At the time of the revolution in Cuba, Honduran tobacco growers had been turning out tasty Honduran cigars for more than a century. Of course, the game changed completely when Cuban cigar makers, fleeing nationalization, landed in Honduras. Cuban cigar brands brought their practices, traditions, and knowledge to places like Danli, El Paraiso, and the Jamastran Valley, which are now famous tobacco growing and cigarmaking locations.
Cuban tobacco seed grew beautifully in the rich soil and near-perfect climate. Ultimately, Honduran tobacco with its full-bodied smoke and strong aromas found its way into premium cigars and has been a part of many top-rated blends since.
Honduran cigars are packed with rich and flavorful tobacco that rivals some of the best growing regions in the world. If the soil had to be said to impart certain flavors to the leaf, it seems like the consensus is that the tobacco in a Honduran cigar is often zesty, but also chocolatey. Rich spice is one of the signatures of leaf grown by cigar brands in the nation of Honduras. While a pepper kick can be found in almost any tobacco, especially from Cuba and Nicaragua, the Honduran spice profile seems to be a bit more diverse. Not just pepper, but also an array of flavors you might find in Caribbean cooking, like Allspice, Cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, garlic, and paprika.
Cigars from Honduras offer a potent blend of flavors, and also can deliver all the body you might be looking for. While some smoke is thin and wispy, the draws from a Honduran cigar blended for fullness coat the mouth, making for a smoking experience that’s more like a meal than anything else. Of course, there are milder offerings from certain brands when it comes to Honduran cigars, but if you’re after intense flavor and the best kind of full-body, you can get what you want.
That leaves us with the most obvious question of all: which Honduran cigars should you try out if you’re new to them?
Our top choices for a place to start with Honduran cigars include Rocky Patel the Edge and Punch Gran Cru cigars. Other cigars you’ll want to taste include Danlí Reserve, La Fontana Vintage, Carlos Torano Casa Torano, Alec Bradley Black Market, and Comacho Corojo cigars. Camacho in particular showcases a cigar blend with the bold spices of Honduran soil and is a must-try for people who can’t find a cigar with enough kick.
Got a friend who’s partial to cigars from Honduras, or do you want to add a nice supply to your collection? We’ve got wheels on wheels. Please click through our full inventory for the best Honduran cigars on the planet!
Please browse our selection of Honduran cigars at your leisure.