Simply put, these are our finest cigar 5-packs. They don’t get much better than this.
In this section, you’ll find Cigar Aficionado Top-25 Cigars of the Year winners, tons of 90+ rated cigars, and cigars from brands called “the best of the best.” These 5-pack cigars over $100 are masterfully balanced, made with the best tobacco on earth, and feature the richest cigar flavor profiles possible. They’re everything an aficionado wants in a top-shelf smoke, and more!
Let’s clear up one point, to start things off – these 5-packs of cigars are not just hype jobs.
We know that cigars, wine, liquor, cars, watches, and a lot of other premium, luxury products are subject to a certain amount of hyping up, where brands make their goods sound like God himself crafted them, and sent them down on a cloud, and blessed them with rays of pure golden sunshine to bask in while waiting to be purchased. While there are a few My Father cigar blends that actually were made using that exact method, we’re aware that the vast majority of cigars are made right here on Earth. But even though the hands of mere mortals rolled these cigars, the cigar five-packs in the over 100 dollar category are still certified fantastic.
These aren’t creatures of marketing promotion – these cigar 5-packs are the real deal.
Here you’ll find the most excellent premium handmade packs of cigars from Arturo Fuente, Padrón, La Flor Dominicana, E.P. Carillo, Davidoff, Plasencia, and other cigar brands fit for royalty. Not only are these cigar five-packs highly rated, but typically, a 5-pack of cigars from the $100 and up group contains cigars that climbed all the way to number 1 in the annual cigar rankings. These cigars had reviews that sent the judges running for their thesauruses.
Yes, these are our most “scrumtrelescent” cigars.
Most of these cream of the crop cigar brands use ultra-high quality tobacco from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, but you may find a few other cigar-making nations represented. There are also a few cigar wrapper types that dominate the collection. Our most popular wrappers for cigar 5 packs over $100 include Habano, Maduro, natural (thanks Padrón), and rosado sun-grown, although there are definitely a few Oscuros and Connecticut's thrown in there. It seems like, if you want to create a cigar that’s lauded as the best of the best, you need to aim for full-body, flavor, and bring some intensity.
Five-packs of cigars over $100 like these tend to be well-suited to a few uses. If there’s a chart-topping cigar you really love, you can get a proper supply of it for special occasions throughout the year. Where a pack of cigars from this category really shines, however, is as a gift or for sharing during events and celebrations. Giving a gift of a cigar 5-pack for over $100 is an outstanding way to deliver a memorable experience. If the best cigars in someone’s humidor are from you, you’re going to have a special place in that person’s mind. Or, if you bust out some of the best cigars in the world at a wedding or bachelor party, people will know that you’re not fooling around when it comes to generosity and sharing a little taste of cigar luxury with your buddies (assuming any of your favorite knuckleheads deserve it).
Offer a cigar smoker a stogie like these and make a friend forever.
Please browse our selection of cigar 5-packs over $100 at your leisure.