Some brands produce new cigars once a decade, preferring to stick to their winning formulas. Others, like Alec Bradley, regularly release new cigars to experiment and push their craft to new heights.
Each of Alec Bradley's new cigars improves on their previous successes while celebrating the history of Alec Bradley cigars. Two recent new cigars (as of the time of this writing) by Alec Bradley are the perfect example of this approach.
The first is the Alec and Bradley Gatekeeper line of cigars. That's right, we said Alec and Bradley. The brand Alec Bradley is named for the founder Alan Rubin's two sons. Now they're all grown up and making their own cigars. What better way to celebrate where the brand comes from and where it has reached now?
The name Gatekeeper comes from Alec and Bradley's partner-in-crime for these cigars. The two sons worked with industry-legend Ernesto Perez-Carrillo to create these classical cigars. An Ecuadorian Habano wrapper embraces a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long-fillers: an unusual combination for Alec Bradley cigars if not for E.P. Carrillo. The wrapper is dark for a Habano and that's a good thing. The palate is rich with notes of hickory, fruity spice, roasted chestnuts, fresh peppercorns, and sweet cinnamon.
The other new cigars (as of mid-2020) from Alec Bradley are pure Alan Rubin. Back in the early days of Alec Bradley, Alan was smoking a 60-gauge cigar and he really didn't like how it felt. It was just too big. So, as any reasonable person would do, he went to the hardware store and bought supplies for a triangle-shaped mold for the cigars. The resulting cigars, the Trilogy, helped make Alec Bradley a household name.
Enter the sequel, the Diamond Rough Cut. This limited release Alec Bradley cigars are, unsurprisingly, diamond-pressed. They contain the same blend as the popular Alec Bradley Nica Puro but the diamond shape has been a big hit with collectors and smokers alike. It's darn tasty too, with notes of leather, spicy red pepper, tongue-tingling black pepper, creamy cedar, sweet birch sap, cocoa, and damp earth.
Please browse our selection of Alec Bradley New Cigars at your leisure.