La Flor Dominicana cigars have an established reputation for delivering powerful, full-flavored smoking experiences. Well-seasoned veteran cigar smokers will appreciate the depth and complexity of this brand.
La Flor Dominicana was founded by Litto Gomez launched this premium brand in the 1990s. It wasn’t long before these stellar cigars were residing in the humidors of devout cigar smokers everywhere. Among Gomez’s innovations is the famous chisel-shaped torpedo, wonderful to smoke but extremely difficult to roll.
While all the La Flor Dominicana cigars have a devoted following, the Ligero line is in a class by itself. Ligero leaves are among the finest and most sought-after by cigar manufacturers with good reason. They are noteworthy because of their invariably powerful taste. There are a variety of combinations to choose from: the papa Ligero with its Ecuadorian-seeded Sumatra wrapper, the Cabinet with its smoother and darker Oscuro natural wrapper, and the Double Ligero with its dusky Ecuadorian wrapper leaf. On the whole, the Ligero line offers smokers a complex blend of flavors in the pepper and spice notes while providing onlookers with the tantalizing aromas of cedar and toasted nut.