Every esteemed cigar-making family in the world has its secrets. Oliva, Cifuentes, Perdomo, and newcomers like Patel don’t simply give away the goods to any who ask! That’s why they continue to produce lines of cigars that stand out from the pack and are recognized for their superior quality, construction, and taste. In the Arturo Fuente family the most closely held secrets of all surround the production of the Fuente Fuente Forbidden X label, a line that is born in mystery and enjoyed in rapt pleasure by true aficionados everywhere.
These sticks are hand crafted by only the best of the best cigar rollers in the business. Known for their expertise in producing distinctive, perfectly constructed sticks in customs sizes, colors and shapes, each has been in the family employ for many years, with proven loyalty to what the family stands for in the cigar world. These artisans work their craftsmanship in the Forbidden Room at the family farm, Chateau de la Fuente, off limits to everyone else but Don Carlos and Carlito. The Forbidden X line is the result of their labor of love. In this secret room, these torcedors are handed a secret blend of 7 distinctive tobaccos, each hand-selected from among the primings of the most flavorful leaves grown in the rich, fertile soil of Dominican Republic’s best lands. Each variety of tobacco adds flavor and complexity to the finished product, so that the whole is far greater than the sum of its parts. And that is the stuff of legendary products in any endeavor, from producing world class sports cars to fielding the best soccer teams in the world.
Wrapped in luxurious, slightly oily sheaths, these stogies are examined for perfect construction and blemish-free looks. Then they are bundled and aged in French oaken casks previously filled with Calvados, a spirited beverage distilled from Normandy apples. The results are reminiscent of every forbidden pleasure, sensual and inviting. The aroma of the unlit cigar is sweet, spicy, deep and seductive. The lit masterpiece gushes flavor in each draw that fills the mouth with a splendid blend of rich, earthy tones and a mild, fruit bouquet that reveals some of the secrets of its production. The Fuente Fuente Forbidden X is an extraordinarily sensuous smoke that is best reserved for special occasions, according to Carlos Fuente, Jr. What you consider the right occasion to partake of this unforbidden pleasure is entirely up to you!