Beyond Whiskey: 4 Authentic Cigar Pairings
When it comes to cigar pairings, whiskey tends to get all of the attention. Most pairing conversations are even limited to scotch, just one family of whiskeys from the cold and rainy British Isles. But because cigars come from the Caribbean, with all its vibrant colors and flavors, it pays to explore other pairings once in a while.
The first recorded mention of cigars comes from the journeys of Christopher Columbus. He observed the Taino smoking primitive cigars and accepted their gifts of tobacco leaves. After that, things went south for the natives, and that’s a tragic story for another time. But to this day, the vast majority of cigars and cigar tobacco is still produced in Latin America and the Caribbean, and they’re not obsessed with whiskey pairings. Instead, more popular liquors from that part of the world are rum, Rhum Agricole, Tequila, and Mezcal.
Let's take a look at each spirit and a cigar that pairs perfectly with it.