Sencillo means “simple” in Spanish, and the first releases from this brand have been fairly straightforward, using high-quality tobacco and uncomplicated blending styles to produce a classic cigar smoking experience.
Sencillo cigars are created by Keith Park, who is also responsible for cigar brands like Prometheus, God of Fire, and Angelenos. His history in the cigar industry is probably unique, given his start in his home country of Korea as a lighter manufacturer. Over the years, he made his way to the states to expand his business into high-end humidors and then his own cigar brands.
With Sencillo cigars, there’s a lot of focus on the special character of the soil in which tobacco is grown. The company likes to compare cigars to wine, recalling how the qualities of the “terroir” of each grape-growing region is known and used to help connoisseurs categorize and enjoy the differences between wines and vintages. Here, you can focus on the flavors of quality tobacco without overly complicated blending, making Sencillo cigars a humble, but satisfying experience.
For cigar lovers who’ve had enough of hype and cigars that are hard to comprehend, this is a brand that keeps things pure. We’ll keep our eye on Sencillo and reach for these anytime we’re feeling overwhelmed and need a humble reality check.
Please browse our selection of Sencillo cigars at your leisure.