92 rated cigars are fine smokes and include a number of blends that have won Cigar Aficionado #1 Cigar of the Year at some point or another. Here you’ll find cigars from Arturo Fuente, My Father, Tatuaje, E.P. Carillo, Davidoff, CAO, Camacho, Ashton, and more. A wide variety of tobaccos and blending styles are represented in this category, which is comprised of cigars that are a touch above simply being “high quality.”
Many cigar smokers look at 90 as the cutoff point for “good cigars,” and 92 rated cigars start to separate from that simple label and begin to be regarded as “great” in at least one dimension. It could be a particular flavor note, like rich coffee or fragrant cedar. It might be a lovely finish with a hint of sweetness. Or it might be the retrohale that adds a whole new layer of enjoyment.
There are other qualities of 92 rated cigars that can get a reviewer’s attention. Construction, cold draw, aroma… they all play into a cigar’s overall rating. Typically, the difference between these cigars and those that are earning 95 or better is the complexity of the flavors and a little bit of the indescribable quality of the experience that you get with very special cigars. For those, as soon as you get puffing, you know you’re smoking something totally different than the other stuff in your humidor. 92 rated cigars are still very fine but are more down to earth than that. These aren’t only for special occasions – they’re not legendary smokes (at least not during the year they got the 92) – instead, they’re more accessible than that.
Whatever the reasons, these cigars are still luxuries, just not the best of the best. They’re more than good enough for an enjoyable smoke, and may even surprise you with the quality level. In fact, some of them are downright underrated at 92 points. But the overall takeaway is that these are wonderful cigars. Whether you like Nicaraguans or Dominicans… a peppery kick or Connecticut smoothness… or something else entirely… you’re going to find something to enjoy in this category.
Please enjoy our selection of 92 rated cigars at your leisure.