Victor Sinclair 20th Anniversary
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Victor Sinclair 20th Anniversary FAQ's
What are the flavors like?
Pepper, dried fruit, sweet earth, cream on the finish.
What’s the strength level?
Who is this cigar for?
People who want to smoke a five-country blend in a humble yet super tasty, quality cigar.
Will I want to smoke it to the nub?
We think so. Billed as the brand’s masterpiece, it’s of little wonder that people love this cigar.
What’s a good pairing with it?
Smoke your Victor Sinclair 20th Anniversary cigar with a nice and simple cold beer. Best to not compete with this fine blend and just let the experience unfold.
What’s the best time/place to smoke this cigar?
These cigars are great for those moments when you want to enjoy a good smoke without feeling the need to pay super close attention to every note.
Any flaws/downsides?
So far, we’ve only heard high praise for this everyday smoke.