Previously known as Nub Café, Nub Nuance cigars provide a coffee flavor infused cigar option for smokers. This is Oliva’s first flavor-infused offering. It is impressive to see a famed cigar family with such deep experience in cigar-making traditions step out of that box with an open mind and display their fluidness when it comes to creating cigars that suit different palates and newer generations.
With Nub Nuance cigars, you can choose from five flavors: Single Roast, Double Roast, Triple Roast, Fall Blend, and Winter Blend. The Single, Double, and Triple Roasts share the same Dominican fillers and binder, though the wrappers vary. Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers and a Nicaraguan binder make up the core of the Fall and Winter Blend cigars.
Covering the Nub Nuance Single Roast (Cappuccino) is a Connecticut shade wrapper. The Single Roast delivers vanilla, coffee with cream, and cedar flavors.
The Nub Nuance Double Roast (Macchiato) wears a Sumatra wrapper. Expect notes of coffee beans, chocolate, and caramel.
Nub Nuance Triple Roast (Espresso) cigars are wrapped in Sumatra wrappers and treat the palate to flavor notes of sweetness, cream, nuts, and milk chocolate.
An Indonesian wrapper covers the Nub Nuance Fall Blend cigars. Expect notes of pumpkin spice, sweet tobacco, and cinnamon.
The Nub Nuance Winter Blend cigars wear an Indonesian wrapper and produce peppermint, espresso, and almond flavors.
The only thing better than starting your day with coffee is adding one of these coffee flavor-infused cigars to the mix.