The Oliva cigar family is all about producing exceptional cigars and striving to learn from each experience and new release. They aim to better their products through innovation and new approaches to traditional cigar making. This balance of tradition and a willingness to investigate new processes helps keep the Oliva name among the best.
The roots of this cigar family trace back to 1886 and Melanio Oliva working the Cuban tobacco fields. His son, Facundo, would take over in the 1920s. For several decades, the Olivas grew tobacco and refined their craft, but adversity was waiting right around the corner. After Castro’s communists seized control of Cuba, they began nationalizing a number of cigar factories.
At this point, the Oliva family was still working their way up to owning a cigar factory. Nonetheless, Facundo’s son Gilberto could see the opportunities in Cuba dwindling, so they moved out of the growing business and into the tobacco brokering game. However, Gilberto’s dream was to find the ideal growing conditions in another country to recreate the look, feel, and taste of authentic Cuban cigars. These conditions were found in the fertile soils of Nicaragua, though a new hardship wasn’t far behind.
In 1979 the Sandinista revolution forced the Olivas to flee Nicaragua. Gilberto would continue growing tobacco in countries such as Honduras and Mexico. In 1995 the family returned to Nicaragua and launched the Gilberto Oliva brand, ultimately becoming Oliva. As with any family or life, this wasn’t the end of the struggles, but like most humans, the Olivas are resilient, adaptable, and resourceful. Soon, they would be recognized as one of the leading names in the cigar industry.
Many consider Flor de Oliva cigars the top value cigar available today. Oliva offers a wider range of smokers a chance to enjoy their top-shelf blends by releasing these premiums at such a low price point. Flor de Oliva cigars reveal Oliva’s commitment to excellence no matter how low or high the product's price.
The Flor de Oliva Natural uses a gorgeous Indonesian Sumatra wrapper leaf with a slightly sweetened cap to deliver a well-balanced experience of coffee, sweetness, and cedar. The Flor de Oliva Maduro is dressed in a dark and oily Connecticut broadleaf that will launch you into a heavenly state of Maduro bliss.
Whatever your pleasure is, Flor de Oliva cigars offer you a way to get that and more.
Please enjoy Flor de Oliva cigars at your leisure.