The Aganorsa Leaf Signature Series is a special cigar line.
Aganorsa Leaf cigars are already made with very high-quality Nicaraguan tobacco. As the story goes, the company was founded with the help of a team of very experienced Cuban agronomists who had worked for years for Cubatabaco, the state-owned cigar-making organization responsible for many of the best cigars in the world. This pedigree was put to work in Nicaragua, using Cuban seed tobaccos and fine-tuning them over the years to produce premium Cubanesque blends from Nicaraguan soil.
In the Aganorsa Leaf Signature Shade cigar, what you get is a special selection of these legacy tobaccos. The core Signature cigar uses a long-filler blend of Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99. This one you can find wrapped in gold foil. The Signature Shade discussed here is a sibling cigar, wrapped in silver foil and focused on a special tobacco innovation: a Nicaraguan shade-grown Maduro wrapper leaf.
Nicaragua is not known for its Maduro wrapper leaves. Instead, many Nicaraguan blends that are finished with dark fermented leaf use tobacco is grown abroad (e.g. Mexican San Andrés, Connecticut broadleaf, Ecuador Connecticut, Dominican leaf, etc.). That makes the Aganorsa Leaf Signature Shade Corojo Maduro an unusual blend. When you actually smoke it, the flavors tell the tale better than we can in this description, offering tons of complexity as you taste peanuts, cedar, dark chocolate, raisins, and more.
The Maduro wrapper itself is a Corojo ’99 grown in Jalapa under shade cover to moderate the amount of sun the leaf absorbs. This reduces the strength and size of the leaf, making it easier to work with when it comes time to ferment the leaf and turn it into a lightly sweet and earthy Maduro.
Fans of special blends will also be happy to experience the Medio Tiempo tobacco in the blend. This rare leaf is priming that only rarely sprouts above the corona of a tobacco stalk, and that offers a unique richness to the blend. A small amount is included in each Aganorsa Leaf Signature cigar, and this helps take the flavor of the smoke to a whole new level. At the end of the day, this wasn’t an easy cigar to produce, but we can all enjoy the results of the hard work of the Aganorsa team.
Please browse our selection of Aganorsa Leaf Signature Shade Corojo Maduro cigars at your leisure.
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The Aganorsa Leaf Signature Shade corojo maduro is a blend made for those who love rare tobaccos and complexity. Settle in for a rich experience and enjoy the ride.