90 rated cigars include a wide variety of brands and blends. No matter what kind of cigars you like, you can probably find something to enjoy in this category. Here you’ll find cigars from leading manufacturers like Perdomo, Aging Room, Plasencia, Camacho, Casa Fernandez, Southern Draw, Illusione, La Flor Dominicana… in fact, pretty much any good cigar maker.
For many cigar lovers, 90 rated cigars represent the cutoff point for cigars to be considered “good.” There’s plenty of decent, smokable cigars that haven’t received high ratings. In fact, they’re often perfect for puffing when the cigar experience isn’t supposed to absorb all your focus. If you’ve got other things you want to pay attention to, and you’re not going to sit back and really focus on a cigar, it doesn’t have to be a top-rated premium smoke, right? There’s a time and a place for almost every kind of cigar out there, so we don’t hate on any of them. Whatever you’re in the mood for, we say light it up. But if you’re looking for something high quality, 90 rated cigars and above are the place to start.
There are tons of different kinds of 90 rated cigars. You’ll find peppery Nicaraguans, smooth Ecuador Connecticuts, rich and leathery Dominicans, and everything in between. There’s no particular type of tobacco or blend that characterizes 90 rated cigars. Instead, it’s a spectrum of different kinds of cigars, all united by a certain level of quality that makes reviewers sit back and say, “Yeah, this is a nice smoke. Not the best ever, but good stuff that I want to have in my humidor.”
Please enjoy our selection of 90 rated cigars at your leisure.