Cigar Deals

Category_Cigar Dealsby Juan Panesso


Quite often our suppliers come to us with Cigar Deals that are just too good to refuse! They make quality cigars available at outstanding pricing which allows us to offer them to you. Our Cigar Deals typically include plenty of great smokes considered “every day” cigars, with an affordable price point to match, but we frequently also get our hands on premium cigars that transcend the ordinary. We always enjoy being able to pass on the saving to you for truly special cigars you can enjoy immediately or stash away for the right moment. The best thing to do is to visit us on a regular basis, taking some time to explore our inventory of your favorite cigar brands and lines, and also keep an eye on those you’d like to give a try. Take a look at the lists under each category. We emphasize Cigar Deals in easy-to-spot red lettering which spells out the savings you’ll realize when you make your purchase. That way, when deals and discounts become available, you’ll be first in line to add cigar singles, cigar 5 packs, or entire boxes to your personal inventory. Many of the cigars we offer at sales pricing go quickly for this very reason. Savvy shoppers will find great deals over the course of six months to a year that will save them plenty of money on their personal supply of cigars and on those they stock away for holidays or birthday gifts, or to offer as signs of appreciation to clients, vendors, employees, or those who render service.
